
Call of duty zombies revelations
Call of duty zombies revelations

call of duty zombies revelations

Maxis accidentally released the Shadowman, which trapped him inside the Key. Later, Maxis begins hearing the voice of the Shadowman and is lured down to the basement where the Summoning Key is located. Primis Richtofen and Maxis destroy the teleporter to prevent any further corruption of the universe. Upon the arrival of Primis, they bring the Summoning Key along with them, which Maxis is mesmerized by. As each of the souls arrive in "The House", Monty transforms each member of Ultimis into their younger self as a means to restore their innocence. Just before they arrive, Maxis instructs the children to 'put the toys away' and ensure that 'the windows are locked before come down to the basement'. Upon Primis Richtofen summoning the souls of Ultimis Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo in Gorod Krovi, they are transported into "The House". This was also accessible to Black Ops III Season Pass holders. It was released on September 6 th 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and then later released on October 6 th 2016 for the Xbox One and PC as part of the Salvation map pack.

call of duty zombies revelations

Enemies such as the Panzersoldat, the Parasites and the Spiders also return. The Primis crew return as the playable characters. Furthermore, fragments of past maps such as Shangri-La and Origins feature as structural components of the map. The map features recurring gameplay elements such as the Guard of Fafnir and the Ragnarok DG-4s, but introduced new features such as the Corruption Engines and a new type of enemy, the Fury. In contrast to other maps, the cosmic appearance of Revelations is distinct from other previous maps. The map takes place within Agartha after the release of the Shadowman from the Summoning Key. Revelations is the twenty-fourth Zombies map and the final map featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. " The time has come to join Doctor Monty in The House, where an ancient evil threatens the survival of our heroes' immortal souls." - Mission Briefing

Call of duty zombies revelations